Hi Everyone !@
In 1994, Australians for Animals Inc. submitted an extensive scientific petition to the US government to have the Koala listed under the US Endangered Species Act (ESA). At that time, this was the most effective way of protecting an iconic species such as the Koala.
Our team of scientists, lawyers and researchers succeeded in getting the Koala listed as Threatened under the ESA. AFA was the first Australian group to undertake a listing which depends on the best scientific information.
In 2012, the Koala is in dire straits. Minister Tony Burke’s recent announcement that the Koala would be listed as vulnerable in various states does not go nearly far enough to protect these beautiful animals. Please make sure you watch ABC TV Four Corners Koala Crunch Time Documentary on Monday night.
And when you’ve seen the program, let your local state and federal politicians know that unless Koala habitat is protected and Koala sanctuaries created along the eastern seabord, we will lose this precious, gentle, unique species.
A short report on the Koala is available on Australians for Animals website or by emailing us at: info@australiansforanimals.org.au